Monday, June 4, 2018

He is Trustworthy


Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10

Wow, this passage gets straight to the point… Those who know God trust him. He doesn’t let his followers down. He is trustworthy... 

It reminds me of a time a couple years ago when I was really concerned because of a number of
situations I knew about with other missionaries, and God’s response was “but have I ever let you down?” No, no He hasn’t. Other people’s situations? I can only just guess at because I don’t see the whole picture.

We have been close to being let down. So close that I really didn’t want to do that again - like a roller coaster that is too scary for you. But God has always been there for us. Like our first trip to Mozambique where we only had $200 with us and it was supposed to last 9 months? How about the time we had a guy getting a gang together to rob my house? Or the two separate incidents where we flew back into Mozambique fully expecting to be arrested at the airport? Or about the time we completely ran out of money but it showed up at the last minute from Ukraine of all places…

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Psalm 20:7

Some trust in their wealth, abilities, and belongings. Others trust in their friends, wealthy people they know, or family connections. But we need to trust in the Lord. In the name of the Lord. To many it looks like foolishness but it is our way and the Lord is in it. Jesus help me with my unbelief…


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