Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Mary's Attitude

The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!" -Luke 1:28

What did God’s favor on Mary mean? In practical terms, she would face stoning. She would be judged and ridiculed for the rest of her life. She would crush her fiancee’s heart and their relationship may never be the same. But she would have a first-hand seat to the most important events in the world, and experience the miraculous life that changed everything.

Often times we have the same choice. Do we choose the same path, a path of comfort and being like everyone else, or do we choose the favor of the Lord, the path of great ridiculed and difference, having a front-row seat as God’s kingdom breaks into people’s lives?

If we do it for the honor that will eventually come, we do it for the wrong reason. If we do it for the blessing, our hope is often misplaced and can fail.

How can we live with the attitude of Mary, saying Yes to the Lord regardless of the cost? Lord, give us vision so big that it takes an angel, older relatives, and angelic visits to our friends to bring it forth. Let us ask “how” (v34) without letting that be a limiting factor. Help us live every day trusting in God and not making the choice to abort the vision God has given us out of convenience.


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