Saturday, June 9, 2018

Trusting in Man


This is what the Lord days: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord” -Jeremiah 17:5

So, this is a bit awkward. I am steeped in a culture that trusts in man as naturally as breathing, and there is a curse over that lifestyle. It is so hard for us to trust in God, compared to the Mozambicans for instance.

“Who draws strength from mere flesh” - Wow, yeah… Most advice people give you when you are in trouble can be placed here. And it is so easy to fall into this trap.

I liken it to playing with Alizah… I throw her up in the air and she loves it; she screams and laughs and wants to do it again. But there is a point where it’s too high and she’s no longer confident that she is safe. She has no idea what is dangerous and what is safety but at some undetermined point, her joy and excitement turns to fear. The space between “Higher, higher!” and “Too high, too high” is razor thin.

Unfortunately, I see myself like that. I am always asking God to do more, go further, give me more opportunities but then at some point my situation can turn from excitement to shear panic. Just as with my daughter, this panic has nothing to do with how secure I am or not, but there is a point where I stop focusing on the greatness of God and start focusing on the greatness of the task or obstacle in front of me.

God, help me to trust in you. When things get tough, let me turn to you. I choose to turn to you.

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