Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Saying Yes

What did Mary need to do to make the vision happen? Essentially she just had to say yes. She had to say yes at the beginning and every day, even the ones where she was being mocked or attacked or her life threatened by stoning. Every day was a choice not to abort and walk away. Though saying yes is easy in some moments, there are others where yes is hard.

Yes is hard because you are saying no to a normal life. Saying yes to God automatically shoots down so many dreams and ambitions and plans. Granted, most of those plans are futile or impossible, but there is a deep sense of loss nonetheless. Sometimes it is heart-breaking to understand that you will never truly belong anymore.

Saying yes is hard because often you don’t have a reason. “God told me” is the best you have to explain to people but you can’t use it. Now that shouldn’t be bad but so many people have used it to manipulate others that it just seems calloused and conversation-ending to say. Once you say “God told me” you are closing the door to any other opinions or advice, good or bad. No, often you have to just say that you don’t have a reason, or that you may be wrong but you don’t want to miss God.

Saying yes is hard because everyone will rejoice with you in the victory and birth (Luke 1:58) but no one will be there to help to carry it out.

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