Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Most Celebrated Giver

Jesus sat down near the collection box in the temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins. Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I tell you the trust, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.” -Mark 12:41-44

Wow. Like everything Jesus, it’s just so counter-cultural. We celebrate the large donations, the huge amounts, and despise 50 cents here, $2 there… We look to the wealthy for advice on finances and life, and think the poor have nothing to give. Money is power, especially in Mozambique where there is absolutely no limit on what you can do with it. Want to sleep with a bunch of women? Want to kill and elephant or lion? Want to break the law? Everything has a price, even the things that should never be able to be bought.

So why did Jesus say this widow gave more than all the others? And, even more strangely for me, why didn’t he walk in and bless the socks off this lady? He could have given her an oil jar that never ran out, multiplied some bread, gave her money etc… But he didn’t. I have friends that give us $5 a month or $20 a month and they are so hard up financially I told them they really shouldn’t. But that wasn’t Jesus’s attitude.

And again, we’re back at money and back to a verse that quickly proves I don’t really understand money biblically. With leadership, the path is radically different than what the world does but I understand it; I understand why it works and how to go about doing it. Serve, consider others better than yourself… Though there are some basics, there are many nuances. But I get them and understand how these verses fit together.

Money? Not so much. The only thing I’m really good at is in not spending it, and having many ways of earning it. Even things as simple as “If you are annoyed at taking a job you are not getting paid enough for it” and “Other people can assume some of the risk” are things I am learning but at a slow pace.

And then 2 copper coins… I have my door wide open for large donors, people of influence and international visitors. Do I have it as open for widows, small donations, and the nobodies? Can I without driving myself insane? Do I see donations from the eyes of heaven or my natural eyes?

Just like the last lesson, Jesus isn't condemning the big donations but we should:

  • Pay attention to the sacrifice the person made, not just the amount
  • Not rush to helping people out in a transactional way when we know they are hurting

And in our own donations:

  • Judge not on the number but on the sacrifice
  • Give with joy and give willingly
  • Avoid comparing ourselves to others or we may despise the little we can give when it may be the greatest gift at he moment.


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