Friday, September 21, 2018

Running Towards Spiritual Freedom


When Jesus was still some distance away, the man saw him, ran to meet him, and bowed low before him. With a shriek, he screamed, “Why are you interfering with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?” -Mark 5:6-7

Being in Africa, I’ve had the chance to see many demonized people. The world here is so much more focused on the spiritual. They shake, vomit, run from the service etc… They don’t bow and they certainly don’t run up to the person doing the deliverance! How can we explain this man here?

These verses to me are some of the strongest cases not to focus much on demons or what Satan is doing in your life. Here’s a man with 2000 demons that want to shake and run the other direction, and he still manages to see his opportunity for freedom and run toward it. He still manages to bow, which is what a person would do.

This man fought against 2000 demons to find freedom. He didn’t have the strength in himself, but he saw his opportunity and gave it all he had. I know people who are sidelined by some tiny demon on vacation; forget fight for their lives; they fell into sin because they were bored or it felt better to scream than to forgive.

What things in our lives do we need to fight with all our strength? What things does Jesus want to set us free of but we have become to comfortable with? What have we been living with for so long that we may have forgot the freedom which could be ours if we would just run to Jesus instead of accepting our situation?

God help me be like this man, running to you in all my nakedness and filth, not even letting thousands of demons stand in the way. Surround me with people with the same heart, passion, and desperation.


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