We ended up going to Solange, which is one of the best restaurants in our area. True to form, it was excellent. We reminisced about the past 11 years and how smoothly they have gone, with respect to our relationship at least!
Today was a fight for rest. Whenever I am extremely low on energy, I prefer to zone out watching something on a computer. However, that’s not extremely restful for me and I need to really spend some time outside. Sadly there aren’t that many places I can go to that are safe. However, we do have our veranda that mostly overlooks trees, and we are a couple blocks from the beach.
I know I need to rest and it’s hard when I have so many things I know I need to be doing. I have been pretty good at not jumping up and getting everything done; however, I have.not been so good about relaxing even with the task list!
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