God, thank you for creating me. Thank you for this life you’ve given me, with it’s hardships, failings, problems, victories, and possibilities. Thank you for making me so much more than just what people see on the outside.
Thank you for my friends and family. Thank you for the many people you’ve placed in our lives. Thank you for another day, full of hope and wonder and excitement. I may think Iknow what you have in store today but you could easily just surprise me spectacularly.
Thank you for protecting us, for taking care of us even in the tough times. Lord thank you so much for your absolute mercy and grace and that, while I can delay your will for my life, Ican’t overrule it.
Teach me, Lord, everyday how to walk with you. Teach me what it means to follow and to serve you. Guide me in the paths to righteousness oh Lord. Help me see the foolishness of believing in my own eyes more than my spiritual eyes.
God, let the noise of this world be drowned out by the whisper of your voice, let the busyness of the day be overwhelmed by your stillness, let the constant drone of negativity and hopelessness be silenced by a single word of hope from Your lips, and let the urgent tasks give way to preparation for a visit from THE KING.
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